Saturday, May 25, 2013

150 cc's! (Pics)

This last inflation felt a bit different than previously.  I kind of felt myself blowing up with saline and it was more painful than previously and it lasted about 2 days.  I feel my range of movement decreasing and because of the pain (and exhaustion) I didn't go to physical therapy.  Sleeping has been a bit more uncomfortable too; laying on my back is the only position that isn't painful.  I USE to be a stomach sleeper!  lol

Each week is a little different than the previous - physically and emotionally.  I try to stay strong, but honestly, my self esteem is decreasing.  I don't want to say it is because of my physical appearance, even though I want to lose weight but because I can't do a lot of things, especially exercise.  Its is getting hot here in Vegas, I love this weather.  I love being by the pool in the sun and I can't because of my antibiotics, it specifically advises to stay out of direct sunlight.  I love playing softball and that reason is obvious as to why I can't play .. for a while and right now seems like it is going to take way too long.  Sometimes I get sharp pains in my breast and I feel uncomfortable when I am at work because I hold myself in hopes that it will go away.  I feel like I am going to get written up because I am essentially feeling my self up at work (that part is a little funny). 

Even though I have these downs my attitude does go back up.  With all of these hurdles previously and the ones that I will face, I have no regrets.  Given the chance, I would do this all again.  Its worth not having the risk of breast cancer over your head.

Now on to the pictures... it doesn't seem like a huge difference, but I feel that it is! 


  1. you are the bravest girl I know....I had implants and I know the pain...but what you are doing is amazing....kudos to you! I'm here for you my friend...any time you need a have awesome support I can see far as anyone saying anything to you...well..the way I see it..if they don't know you or what you have been through..they have no business making comments or remarks. You just remember that. What you have done is for your health and your family...and don't ever forget that. One day you will look back and wasn't that bad and well worth it! Love you girl....xox...Pat O....

  2. Thanks Pat! Your support is very appreciated, thanks for rooting me on through this!

  3. are amazing and look beautiful. you have been so strong through all of this...parenting, going to school. You rock! Hang in there...sending hugs your way
