Sunday, June 23, 2013

My expanders

My pain from my last inflation has decreased considerably but I hsve noticed, through out this whole process that certain areas on my breasts hurt more that others.

The expanders arent the same shape as an implant,  its the shape of a half circle without such pointy corners.  However,  those corners do hurt! My cleavage and the outside breast seem to be the most painful, especially by touch. This pain will increase with each inflation.

The two weeks between inflations was a good thing, I didn't want to wait another week, but I'm not upset it delayed my progress. I will have another one this week and I will have another 2 weeks off because of the holiday.  Even though another inflation is guaranteed pain, I am still looking forward to it.

Also, I rarely wear sports bras now. It feels SO much better with just a fitting/tight camisol under my shirt.

I will post more pics at the end of this weekend. ;-)

Monday, June 17, 2013

Last weeks inflation! 450cc's

I am still in a bit of pain but not too bad so I took some pictures.  My chest feels heavy and it is still painful with or without a sports bra.  I have settled in with the fact that the remainder of my inflations are going to come with pain and I will probably be in constant, but minor, pain until I receive (and heal) from the implants.  With that said, I still do not regret my decision. 

450 cc's!  I think 2-3 more inflations and I will be done!  I'm fairly tall, athletic build, so I think my body can handle bigger breasts.  Time will tell!  I can always take out saline if I don't like them. :)

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Staying positive through the pain

I have had another inflation today by my Drs. PA.  I have seen her before when I first noticed my infection and I liked her so I didn't see anything wrong with having her do my inflation today.  She has just started doing inflations and the Dr. trained her, herself but you could tell she was new.  I don't know if it has to do with the amount of saline is in my expanders or because the PA did the inflation.  Everything was pretty much the same with the exception of my right side.  Instead of the PA taking out the needle and putting gauze over the hole, she removed the syringe from the tube and saline sprayed out a little bit.  I wouldn't think that had anything to do with it, especially since the left side, she removed some saline from my expander to make sure she had the needle in the right spot.  I asked her what she was doing as the Dr. never inflated me in that manner.  I want to believe it is because my muscles and skin are stretching, I still like the PA but I am still having pain. :-/ 

I feel like I have digressed many weeks.  I get sharp pain on my right side when I move my arm above my elbow.  I even needed help getting off my shirt and bra earlier and I have went back to all my button up tops and bras.  I also feel pressure if I bend over to pick something up.  Ibuprofen isn't really offering relief and neither did a warm bath.  I hope after a day or two I will feel myself, my new self.

I will post updated pictures when I can actually take them myself.  I won't have another inflation for 14 more days since the Dr. and PA aren't in the office next week.  After this pain, I'm not too upset that I am putting off an inflation, it will give me time to really stretch and adjust to this new size.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Physical therapy and pain

I had my physical therapy appointment earlier and I was sure sore and tired! With the inflation's stretching my muscles and skin and PT working out and stretching my muscles, I am sore!  It does feel as if I am digressing a little.  I have little resistance during my exercises but I am still struggling.  I wouldn't say I'm uncomfortable but having a sports bra on seems tight but not having anything on feels different too.  I'm not more comfortable in one over the other.  I take my bra off if I am feeling some pain , then later if I am feeling pain or weight I put it back on. 

I am enjoying how my clothes look with the size my 'breasts' are.  I'm always wanting to share with people my progress. lol Even though inflations come with some pain and discomfort, I am still excited for more (not too much, though). 

After talking with my sister this morning, the one that is a survivor, she was explaining to me that her implants don't feel much different than the expanders in.  I hope that isn't the case.  She had her surgery about 10 years ago so maybe its different.  I'm going to see if I can ask someone that has had this done recently, a previvor. 

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Gaining momentum! Inflation Pics!

I have had another inflation!!!!  This seems a bit redundant but inflation days are exciting.  You feel differently afterwards; you look a bit different, you feel a bit different (good and bad), that light at the end of the tunnel is nearing, and I keep trying on clothes to check out the cleavage factor.  I have posted a few pictures of my cleavage on my facebook but honestly, I take them all the time!  lol  I'm becoming almost obsessed with breasts all together.  I have been at the pool a lot (its over 100 degrees in Vegas!) and sometimes I want to go up to women and ask them how big they are b4ecause they have a good size lol.  I don't , of coarse. 

In addition to my additional 50 cc's, I had an appointment with my infectious disease Dr. and even though my blood work results were slightly higher than last time, it is still within normal limits.  Whew!  When I saw my results, I was so scared that the infection was coming back.  The only thing that happened was an additional 30 days of antibiotics.  I'm not too happy taking all of these antibiotics but the alternative is much worse so I will happily take my pill and swallow it! 

At this point in my journey I am up to 400 cc's (150 I started with during surgery and 250 from inflations).  I can't believe I have had FIVE inflations already!  Consensus says I need at least two more!  I say 3-4 haha

Look how swollen I am under my arms!  Yes, my left side is swollen (right side in this picture).

Hello lady lumps!



Wednesday, June 5, 2013

200 cc's! (Pictures)

A week late, but here are the pictures from my last inflation!  I had to restore my entire computer because I kept getting errors and black screens. 

So far, I've had 200 cc's of saline inflations and I was informed that I started off at 150 cc's when I had my surgery!!!  A total of 350 cc's, baby!  I've read on a few websites that 150 cc's of saline is equivilent to a cup size.  That makes me a good sized B cup. lol  I have another inflation tomorrow and then I will move into a C cup.. I'm excited!! 

I've had some pain, but I think it is because my son is not careful around me anymore.  His elbows, hands, knees, feet, and head seems to hit my left fooby multiple times a day, so I've been in pain.

Another inflation tomorrow!  Usually it takes me a few days to upload pics because I have to scrub the marker ink off my skin where the Dr. is going to put the needle in for the inflation.  I should just take a pic of that .. for the full effect! lol

 They look HUGE here! lol
 Right side
 Left Side